The Board of Directors of the Malta Development Bank announces the appointment of Mr Paul V. Azzopardi as the Bank’s Chief Executive Officer. Mr Azzopardi is taking over from Mr Rene Saliba following the latter’s retirement.
Mr Azzopardi has been involved with the Bank since its inception and was part of the 2016 Working Group mandated to prepare the recommendations for the setting up the MDB and the related legislative and operational framework. Early in 2020, he joined the MDB as its first Deputy Chief Executive Officer.
Mr Azzopardi trained and worked as a Certified Public Accountant and later obtained an MBA at first class standing from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, specialising in finance and investments. He is a Fellow of the Malta Institute of Accountants.
During his career, Paul worked at the Malta Development Corporation, and later as a financial adviser, stockbroker, and as a portfolio manager of private client accounts and investment funds both in Malta and in Canada. For a number of years, he lectured at the University of Malta and the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Subsequently, between 2016 and 2020, Paul served as director on the Board of Director of Bank of Valletta plc, BOV Asset Management Ltd., and BOV Funds Services Ltd., in which roles he chaired various board committees.
Moreover, Paul has authored and published a number of academic books in the fields of finance and investments as well as a novel.
The Board of Directors is confident that Mr Azzopardi’s wealth of experience will help in building on the strong legacy of his predecessor so that the MDB will continue to play an ever-growing supportive role within the Maltese economy.
The Board extends its appreciation to retiring CEO Rene Saliba for his sterling work and leadership since the inception of the Bank and for his drive throughout the past years, transforming the institution into a respected stakeholder in Malta and abroad.
Jinħatar Kap Eżekuttiv ġdid għall-MDB
Il-Bord tad-Diretturi tal-Bank Malti għall-Iżvilupp iħabbar il-ħatra tas-Sur Paul V. Azzopardi bħala Kap Eżekuttiv ġdid tal-Bank. Is-Sur Azzopardi jieħu post is-Sur Rene Saliba hekk kif dan irtira.
Is-Sur Azzopardi ilu involut mal-Bank sa mit-twaqqif tiegħu u kien parti minn Grupp ta’ Ħidma li fl-2016 kien ingħata l-mandat biex jipprepara r-rakkomandazzjonijiet għat-twaqqif tal-MDB u l-qafas leġislattiv u operattiv rilevanti. Fil-bidu tal-2020, huwa ingħaqad mal-MDB bħala l-ewwel Deputat Kap Eżekuttiv.
Paul V Azzopardi tħarreġ u ħadem bħala Certified Public Accountant u kiseb MBA first class standing mill-Università ta’ British Columbia f’Vancouver, il-Kanada, fejn speċjalizza fil-finanzi u l-investiment. Huwa Membru tal-Malta Institute of Accountants.
Matul il-karriera tiegħu, Paul ħadem mal-Malta Development Corporation, kif ukoll bħala konsulent finanzjarju, stockbroker u portfolio manager ta’ kontijiet ta’ klijenti privati u fondi ta’ investiment f’Malta u fil-Kanada. Għal numru ta’ snin kien ukoll lettur fl-Università ta’ Malta u fl-iSchool of Continuing Studies fl-Università ta’ Toronto. Bejn l-2016 u 2020, huwa kien Direttur fuq il-Bord tal-Bank of Valletta plc, BOV Asset Management Ltd.,u BOV Funds Services Ltd., fejn mexxa wkoll numru ta’ kumitati.
Paul ippubblika numru ta’ kotba akkademiċi fil-qasam tal-finanzi u l-investimenti, kif ukoll rumanz.
Il-Bord tad-Diretturi huwa kunfidenti li l-esperjenza vasta tas-Sur Azzopardi se tgħin biex il-Bank jibni fuq il-legat b’saħħtu tal-predeċessur tiegħu biex l-MDB ikompli jilgħab rwol dejjem akbar fl-appoġġ li jagħti lill-ekonomija Maltija.
Il-Bord iwassal ukoll l-apprezzament tiegħu għal Kap Eżekuttiv is-Sur Rene Saliba fit-tmiem il-kariga tiegħu għal ħidma sfiqa u d-direzzjoni mogħtija sa mit-twaqqif tal-Bank, fejn kien strumentali biex din l-istituzzjoni tissaħħaħ f’waħda rispettata f’pajjiżna kif ukoll barra minn xtutna.