The Malta Development Bank (MDB) today welcomed EIB Vice President Kyriacos Kakouris for the official presentation of the Market Assessment and Recommendations Report under the Green Gateway Advisory initiative. This project, launched earlier this year, aims to fast-track climate action and sustainability investments across Malta.
With backing from the EIB Group, which also includes the European Investment Fund (EIF), the MDB is enhancing its capabilities to identify, support, and finance green projects. This collaboration bolsters the MDB’s role, aligning it with international standards and enabling the Bank to tap into emerging green market opportunities.
The report is a key deliverable of the MDB’s €30 million climate-action operation, funded by the EIB, which is focused exclusively on green and sustainable projects. In addition, the MDB is gearing up to introduce new schemes under the EIF InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee, designed to further boost the green transition of Maltese SMEs and small mid-caps.
The Green Gateway Report pinpoints critical sectors in Malta’s economy ripe for green investment, particularly in climate action and environmental sustainability. It also assesses the MDB’s current portfolio, evaluating existing grant and financial products to highlight untapped investment potential.
A central feature of the report is its detailed comparison of eligibility criteria across various EIB Group funding sources. This ensures a streamlined funding strategy, maximising efficiency and the potential for combining multiple financing sources.
As part of the evaluation, four green financing solutions were proposed for discussion, focusing on electric vehicles, energy-efficient buildings, renewable energy, and waste management.
“National promotional banks like the MDB in Malta are our key partners to back the economic growth of small and medium-sized companies and promote their green and digital transition,” remarked EIB Vice President Kyriacos Kakouris. “The Green Gateway Advisory initiative marks a strategic milestone for the MDB. By adopting innovative financing solutions, and with the support of the EIB Group, the MDB is setting the stage for significant environmental progress that will help Malta meet its climate targets.”
Mr. Leo Brincat, Chairman of the MDB, added, “This partnership with the EIB enables us to take a leading role in advancing Malta’s sustainability agenda. With their support, the MDB is well-equipped to drive transformative projects that will strengthen the nation’s environmental resilience.”
Mr. Paul V. Azzopardi, CEO of the MDB, commented that, “This Report is another step forward in enabling Malta’s transition to a greener economy. By fostering innovative funding solutions, we are not only addressing the urgent challenges of climate change but also ensuring sustainable growth for the country’s businesses and communities.”

Background information
European Investment Bank Group
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. It provides long-term financing for sound investments that contribute to EU policy. The Bank finances projects in four priority areas: infrastructure, innovation, climate and environment, and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The European Investment Fund (EIF) is part of the EIB Group. It supports Europe’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by improving their access to finance through a wide range of selected financial intermediaries. The EIF designs, promotes and implements equity and debt financing instruments targeting SMEs. In this role, EIF fosters EU objectives in support of entrepreneurship, growth, innovation, research and development, the green and digital transitions and employment. In 2023, the EIF mobilized over €134 billion for the European economy, enhancing competitiveness, supporting innovative entrepreneurs, promoting social impact, fostering sustainability, and advancing the green transition. Going forward, EIF aims to strengthen financing access for European entrepreneurs, focusing on key sectors to drive sovereignty, competitiveness, and a greener, more inclusive future.
Green Gateway
Financed with InvestEU Advisory Hub funds, the Green Gateway advisory programme was created by the EIB together with the European Commission to enable European financial institutions to invest in green projects. The Green Gateway’s advisory services aim to strengthen the skills, procedures and operational tools of EIB financial intermediaries to promote the planning, selection and financing of initiatives with positive environmental impact. The Green Gateway also offers an online portal full of guidelines, case studies and useful information on green investment. The portal provides access to the Green Eligibility Checker, a tool making it possible to assess the eligibility and climate impact of green economy investment projects in various sectors.
Press contacts
Lorenzo Squintani,, mobile: +39 366 57 90 312
Website: — Press Office: +352 4379 21000
Proġett tal-EIB mal-MDB biex jitħaffu l-azzjonijiet favur il-klima u l-investimenti sostenibbli f’Malta
Il-Bank Malti għall-Iżvilupp (MDB) laqa’ lill-Viċi President tal-Bank Ewropew tal-Investiment (EIB), is-Sur Kyriacos Kakouris, għall-preżentazzjoni uffiċjali tar-Rapport ta’ Valutazzjoni tas-Suq u Rakkomandazzjonijiet taħt l-inizjattiva Green Gateway. Dan il-proġett, li beda aktar kmieni din is-sena, għandu l-għan li jħaffef l-azzjonijiet favur il-klima u l-investimenti sostenibbli f’Malta.
Ir-Rapport ġie ppreparat bħala parti mill-faċilità ta’ klima ta’ €30 miljun tal-MDB, iffinanzjata mill-EIB, li hija ffukata esklussivament fuq proġetti favur l-azzjoni klimatika u s-sostenibbiltà ambjentali. Barra minn hekk, l-MDB qed jipprepara biex iniedi skemi taħt il-Garanzija ta’ Sostenibbiltà tal-InvestEU tal-EIF, inizjattiva li se tkompli tappoġġa t-tranżizzjoni ħadra tal-SMEs Maltin u “mid-caps” żgħar.
Is-Sur Kyriacos Kakouris, Viċi President tal-EIB, iddikjara li, “L-appoġġ tal-Green Gateway Advisory huwa pass strateġiku importanti għall-MDB. Billi niffokaw fuq soluzzjonijiet ta’ finanzjament innovattivi, l-MDB qed ipoġġi l-pedament għal impatt ambjentali pożittiv li jgħin lil Malta tilħaq l-għanijiet klimatiċi tagħha.”
Is-Sur Leo Brincat, Chairman tal-MDB, żied jgħid, “Din is-sħubija mal-EIB tagħtina l-opportunità li nieħdu rwol ewlieni fl-avvanz tal-aġenda ta’ sostenibbiltà ta’ Malta. Bl-appoġġ tagħhom, l-MDB huwa mgħammar tajjeb biex imexxi proġetti innovattivi li jsaħħu r-reżiljenza ambjentali tal-pajjiż.”
Is-Sur Paul V. Azzopardi, Kap Eżekuttiv tal-MDB, ikkummenta li, “Dan ir-Rapport huwa pass ieħor ‘il quddiem biex inniedu t-tranżizzjoni ta’ Malta lejn ekonomija aktar ħadra. Billi nħeġġu soluzzjonijiet innovattivi ta’ finanzjament, mhux biss qed nindirizzaw l-isfidi urġenti tat-tibdil fil-klima iżda wkoll nassiguraw tkabbir sostenibbli għall-intrapriżi u l-komunitajiet tal-pajjiż.”