Internal Works​​​

The Malta Development Bank (herein referred as “MDB” or the “Bank”) performs a promotional role in line with public policy with the objective to contribute towards sustainable economic development that benefits the Maltese people in areas including private sector development, skills and technology, infrastructure development, green economy and community services.

 The MDB owns a corner five-storey office block with four separate entrances at ground floor level in Floriana.  The Bank is now interested in carrying out some internal works which are identified in the BOQ Empty Internal document attached to this email. More details are also found in the document ‘General Arrangements and Details’.

 Proposals shall include:

 The total final price including all requirements to finish the project. No price variation shall be allowed for any rise or fall in the cost of labour, materials etc. for the duration of the contract.  Applicants should note that the MDB may publish the final award price of the appointed Applicant under the Contract;

  • Details/specifications of materials to be used (where required);
  • A detailed planned project with timeline including start date and completion date.  Applicants shall demonstrate their ability to commence the works at the earliest (specific date to be provided – indicative start date to be end March 2021), providing details also of the team size and experience performing this project.  Flexibility in managing deadlines is paramount;
  • A detailed company history, with years of experience in trade with applicable required permits and licences as required by law in similar projects;
  • The ESPD Form if already available or you may choose to submit the Bank’s Eligibility Declaration Form, both attached; and
  • Other relative information.

The above required documentation and other comments are to be included within the Evaluation Award Criteria Form attached.  All the documentation shall be submitted by Friday 5 March 2021 at 1800 CET on

You will also find a copy of the BOQ in native Excel.  You are however advised that it is your responsibility to ensure that any arithmetical formula and/or summations introduced are correct. TBA Periti and MDB do not accept any claims in this regard.  No changes or modifications to the structure or text or quantities in the BOQs are to be carried out.   Any changes effected by the Applicants may invalidate the submission leading to disqualification.

You may visit the building on appointment in order to assess the work involved prior to submitting your quotation.    In case of any clarifications with regard to the specifications required please contact the undersigned. Evaluation of the quotations received will take place after Friday 5 March 2021.

Late submissions will not be accepted. Please quote the reference number of this Request for Quotation in your correspondence.  All submissions will be dealt with in strictest confidence.

The Bank  shall award the Quotation on the basis of the most economically advantageous proposal in terms indicated in the document Evaluation Award Criteria (weightings).

The Bank reserves the right to reject a proposal which appears to be priced abnormally low in relation to the Services to be provided.  The Bank reserves the right to  request further clarification,  documentary evidence, ​explanation or elaboration  in writing on any aspect of the application or declarations made.

 The Bank may in its absolute discretion:

  1. a) change, as deemed necessary in view of circumstances, the basis of, or the procedure of the RFQ process;
  2. b) reject any or all of the proposalsif eligibility criteria are deemed not fully met to its satisfaction;
  3. c) do such things or engage in such actions as it deems necessary to ensure that the services and provision thereof yield value for money, which may include requiring a resubmission of any element of proposals;
  4. d) furnish Applicants with additional information in respect to any aspect of the services;
  5. e) abandon the RFQ process upon immediate notification to Applicants;
  6. f) terminate the contract without prior notice if the Bank becomes or is made aware, after award of the Project, that an Applicant failed to comply with any of the requesting criteria. The MDB reserves the right to claim payment from the non-compliant Applicant of any damages, loss and expenses incurred as a result of the termination.

The MDB may, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this RFQ, publicise or otherwise disclose, to any third party, information regarding the contract, the identity of Applicants (including details of their respective members), the RFQ process, or the award of Services (including, without limitation, details of costs and fees) at any time.

Subcontracting and awarding this RFQ in Lots may be accepted after seeking the Bank’s prior consent.    The Bank reserves the right to extend the closing date and to cancel the request for quotation and evaluation process at any stage.  The Bank shall inform all the prospective applicants without being liable for any costs and damages including, without limitation, damages for any loss of profits, in any way connected with the cancellation of the request for quotation.

The MDB is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as well as other legislation governing access to information. Therefore, where Applicants consider any information that they provide in the course of this RFQ process to be commercially sensitive or confidential in nature, they should identify that information as “commercially sensitive” or “confidential” and specify the applicable reasons. The nature of the documentation may then be taken into account by the MDB in considering requests (if any) for access to such information under the Freedom of Information Act or other applicable law. Applicants should note that on conclusion of a contract for the services that are the subject-matter of this competition, a right of access to the contract and associated documents will be available to the extent required by the Freedom of Information Act 2014 or other applicable law.

The submission of any personal data (including any personal data contained in any curriculum vitae) (“Personal Data”) shall be provided by the Applicant together with the Applicant’s explicit consent for the use by the MDB of that Personal Data for the purpose of evaluating the proposals. Once it obtains any Personal Data, the MDB will act as data controller of such data and will retain it for (a) in respect of an unsuccessful applicant, up to one year following completion of the appointment of the successful applicant and (b) in respect of a successful applicant, up to seven years following completion of the Services. For further information in relation to how the MDB processes personal data, including an individual’s various rights under data protection law and details of how to contact the MDB, please refer to MDB’s Privacy Notice which is available at:

Should you have any questions, kindly revert by email on   We look forward to your submission by the closing date of Friday 5 March 2021 at 1800 CET. 

While we thank you for your interest, we appreciate if you could kindly acknowledge receipt.

Procurement Section

Malta Development Bank

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