Press Corner


Financing digital tech
Paul V Azzopardi, Times of Malta

21 July 2024

The Malta Development Bank: The next logical strategic steps
Leo Brincat, Malta Business Weekly

18 July 2024

MDB as gateway to finance in the green and digital transition
Paul V Azzopardi, Times of Malta

28 April 2024

MDB committed to forge stronger ties with two leading trade-related chambers
Times of Malta

21 April 2024

Closing the green investment gap
Paul V Azzopardi, Maltatoday

12 March 2024

New education scheme is a triumph
Paul V Azzopardi and Silvio Attard,

December 2023

MDB scheme fuels two projects in AI, digitalisation with €12 million investment
Prof Josef Bonnici, Times of Malta

1 August 2023

430 student jibbenefikaw minn €15-il miljun biex ikomplu l-edukazzjoni

11 March 2023

€180m in schemes by the Malta Development Bank for environmental and innovative projects

23 November 2023

The role of promotional banks: taking entrepreneurs that extra mile
Prof Josef Bonnici, Malta Business Weekly

3 November 2022

€15-il miljun għal studenti li jridu jkomplu jistudjaw

8 February 2022

Appoġġ għal min jrid jistudja barra minn Malta
Joseph Darmanin, TVAM

February 2022

€15-il miljun f’għajnuna lil studenti universitarji
Prof Josef Bonnici, TVM News

February 2022

Coming months crucial for recovery, sound financial position provides right foundation – Bonnici
Prof Josef Bonnici, Malta Business Weekly

23 August 2021

Mal-200 student jingħataw b’€6.5 miljun f’self mill-Bank Malti għall-Iżvilupp

14 May 2021

Il-Bank Malti għall-Iżvilupp u n-negozji f’Malta
Rene Saliba, TVAM

May 2021

Agile in response, impactful in delivery: MDB supports economic revitalisation in unprecedented times
Malta Business Weekly

29 April 2021

Covid-19 guarantee scheme facilitated over €400 million in working capital loans

28 April 2021

Malta Development Bank – a potential gateway for the InvestEU programme
Times of Malta

22 April 2021

Maltese businesses get a boost with the help of Malta Development Bank

7 February 2021

Intervista’ ma’ Paul Azzopardi

January 2021

Il-Malta Development Bank u s-sehem tiegħu
Paul Azzopardi, TVAM

January 2021

Intervista’ ma’ Joseph Darmanin
Wirt u Eredi

25 November 2020

Intervista’ ma Maria Xuereb
Wirt u Eredi

11 November 2020

Josef Bonnici: ‘Fortunately for the economy, MDB was there when the pandemic hit Malta’
Business Today

23 October 2020

Regenerating the Maltese economy post COVID-19: MDB’s supporting role
Business Today

28 August 2020

SME access to liquidity facilitated through Malta Development Bank scheme
Times of Malta

9 August 2020

Malta Development Bank guarantee scheme has so far helped 251 enterprises

22 July 2020

MDB’s COVID-19 Guarantee Scheme offers easy and affordable access to financing
The Malta Business Observer

30 April 2020

The right instrument at the right time
Times of Malta

12 April 2020

The Malta Development Bank launches the MDB COVID-19 Guarantee Scheme
The Malta Independent

4 April 2020

New product for family businesses launched
Times of Malta

27 June 2019

Leveraging EU funds in Gozo
Times of Malta

10 June 2018

Bank Malti għal-Iżvilupp u EUfunds
Prof Josef Bonnici, DOT EU

7 June 2018

Bank Malti għal-Iżvilupp u InvestEU
Rene Saliba, DOT EU

3 May 2018