Freedom of Information

​The Freedom of Information Act (Cap. 496) provides a right of access to information held by public authorities. Any person or body who makes a request in writing to a public authority for access to recorded information must be informed whether the public authority holds that information and whether it can be released, subject to the application of various exemptions specified in the Act. The public authority must normally reply within 20 working days of receipt of the request.

Malta Development Bank (MDB) publishes a wide range of information on its website. You may wish to consult this website or check with the Freedom of Information Officer, whose details are available below, to find out if the information you require has already been published or there are plans to publish it.

Article 17(1) of the Act requires MDB to publish the following information in its publication scheme to make you aware of its business remit and of the types of documents that it holds:​

Structure, functions and responsibilities

For a description of MDB’s structure, functions and responsibilities, please access the following link.

General description of the categories of documents held by MDB

The MDB holds documents falling under the following categories:​

  • Contractual documentation in relation to its business
  • Policy documents, reports, studies and working documents relating to the functions of MDB
  • Local and international Memoranda of Understanding and other agreements concluded with business partners
  • Documentation related to calls for service in relation to the issue of financial instruments and financial schemes
  • Agendas and minutes of meetings
  • ​Files relating to internal administration, human resources (including recruitment and training), procurement and MDB’s banking activities
  • Presentations, speeches and speaking notes used in public fora
  • Press releases, annual reports
  • Economic studies or analyses related to the operations of the MDB
  • ​Codes of practice, terms of reference and other documents relating to the Board of Directors and to MDB’s Management and Board Committees
  • Compilation of statistical analyses and reporting for regulatory purposes
  • Internal and external correspondence on all of MDB’s activities
  • Personal files of MDB employees and files on recruitment exercises
  • Subscriptions and documentation on the relationship of MDB with foreign or international bodies

Description of manuals containing policies, principles, rules or guidelines affecting members of the public

MDB holds the following documents in accordance with which decisions or recommendations may be made affecting members of the public, including corporate bodies and employees of MDB in their personal capacity:

  • Policies and procedures relating to the issue of a call for service in relation to financial instruments and the MDB schemes
  • Policies and procedures on the procurement of goods or services for the day-to-day running of MDB
  • Policies and procedures on the internal governance of MDB
  • Manuals of procedure on MDB’s banking activities and internal operations
  • Regulatory compliance procedures
  • Procedures used for external recruitment

A number of these documents may be exempt documents in terms of the Act so that access to them may not be available.

Procedure for requesting information

Requests for information are to be submitted in writing, whether by post or electronically using this form. You are advised to check MDB’s website to see whether the information required has already been published before submitting a request. Requests should be sent to MDB’s Freedom of Information Officer whose contact details appear below.

Requests for information shall incur the payment of a fee as stipulated in Subsidiary Legislation 496.01 – Fees Charged by Public Authorities for Access to Documents Regulations. The fee schedule may be accessed through this link. Payment may be effected by cheque (if exceeding €20) or internet banking transfer. Further information may be provided by MDB’s Freedom of Information Officer as per contact details provided below. Complaints against fees charged by the MDB can be made to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner using the links indicated below.


If a person requesting information from MDB is not in agreement with a decision made by MDB in relation to such request or with the manner in which the request has been handled, he/she may submit a complaint to MDB within 30 days of that decision or final communication. Complaints shall be submitted in writing or electronically using this form, stating the reason for the complaint, and, if in writing, addressed to the Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of MDB at the address mentioned below.​

The Act entitles a person requesting information to address complaints also to the Information and Data Protection Commissioner using this form, after having had recourse to MDB’s internal complaints procedure.

Contact Details

The Freedom of Information Officer of MDB can be contacted by email at or in writing at the following address:

Freedom of Information Officer
Malta Development Bank
5 Market Street
Floriana FRN 1083

The Chief Legal and Compliance Officer of MDB can be contracted by email at or in writing at the following address:

Chief Legal and Compliance Officer
Malta Development Bank
5 Market Street
Floriana FRN 1083

The Information and Data Protection Commissioner may be contacted as follows:

Telephone: (+356) 2328 7100